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Some useful links

Other views of the Château de Nesmy:

The Mérimée sheet relating to the inscription of the Château de Nesmy and its park.

The tourist office of La Roche sur Yon quotes us

A beautiful TV Vendée report on the park of the Château de Nesmy.

The association of parks and gardens of Vendée has a file on Nesmy

Ouest-France also talks about us

Other tourist places in Nesmy:

since 1857, the famous Nesmy pottery

The Rambourg mill

Exciting associations:

The association of parks and gardens of Vendée ( APJV )

The association of parks, gardens and landscapes of the Pays de Loire ( APJPL )

The Parks and Gardens Committee of France ( CPJF )

The Old French Houses ( VMF )

The Historic Residence ( DH )

The Farmers' Houses of France ( MPF )

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